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Homemade Ear Wash for Dogs

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • 2 oz. white vinegar

  • 2 oz. rubbing alcohol

  • Small glass bowl

  • Turkey baster

We walk our dogs, feed them and play with them every single day. But as responsible pet owners, we must also remember to pay close attention to our dog's hygiene. Cleaning a dog's ears frequently is an effective way to avoid infection and other hearing related problems. If you prepare your own batch of homemade ear wash, you will not need to rely on a veterinarian to get the job done.

Pour white vinegar and rubbing alcohol into a small glass bowl. Though some recipes call for water instead of alcohol, rubbing alcohol is advised for use in ear wash solutions because it dries more quickly than water. Infections are more likely to occur in moist environments, so it is important to keep your dog's ears as dry as possible.

Swirl the solution of vinegar and rubbing alcohol to make sure the two liquids are well mixed.

i autumn turkey baster image by Roslen Mack from Fotolia.com

Squeeze the rubber end of the turkey baster and dip it into the bowl with the ear wash solution.

Release your grip on the rubber end of the turkey baster and watch as the plastic end fills with solution. Drip the ear wash into the dog's ears using the turkey baster's pointed tip.


  • Remember that excessive ear cleaning can be damaging. Check with a veterinarian to see how often you can safely use the ear wash solution.