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How to Make a Betta Fish More Colorful

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • lamp

  • color enhancing food

Sometimes betta fish get dull and grey, there is a simple solution to brighten them up! This comes from experience- One weekend i left my betta fish in my room with no light, just the window open. When i came back he had turned grey, and looked almost see-through. I turned on a lamp that was right next to his tank, and within a few hours he gained his color back! I have noticed a direct correlation between the intensity of color, and the amount of light exposure.

Start by putting your betta fish by a lamp. The light will cause their colors to become more intense, and darker.

Feed your betta fish color enhancing food which can be found at most pet stores. This food can also be found at Walmarts with pet sections.

Thats it! theses simple steps will cause a dull, grey looking betta to turn into a beautiful vibrant fish!


  • Keep betta fish tanks away from sunlight, due to the fact that sunlight causes algae to grow in the tank. Do not place a lamp too close to the tank, this may cause the water to become too hot.