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How to Put a Ring in a Pig's Nose

| Updated August 11, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Hog squeeze shoot or catchpole

  • Nose ring

  • Nose ring pliers

  • Antibiotic cream

  • Blood stop powder


  • Many farmers put two or three rings in each nostril.

    Supply your pig with plenty of hay so that it can push and move the hay to create a bed or to explore for insects.

Farmers often have to put a nose ring into their pigs’ snouts to prevent them from rooting out of their pens. It is a natural instinct for pigs to root around in the soil; they do this to create a cool place to lay or to forage for insects and grubs. Often, this natural instinct must be halted; pigs can root around so much inside the pen that they destroy the fencing and escape, causing them to wander onto country roads or into a neighboring farmyard.

Restrain your pig by chasing it into a hog shoot or by using a catch pole in its mouth and around its jaw. You will need an assistant to help you with the restraint.

Place the nose ring into the groove on the open nose ring pliers.

Add a bit of antibiotic cream to the tips of each side of the nose ring. This will help prevent infection.

Grip the handle of the nose ring pliers firmly but not enough to bend the nose ring out of shape.

Position the nose ring on the outside nostril area on both sides of the nose. Do not place the nose ring in the cartilage in between the nostrils.

Squeeze the nose ring pliers quickly and firmly. The points in the nose ring will meet in the middle.

Release the nose ring pliers. If the snout is bleeding, place some blood stop powder on the snout and then release the pig.