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How to Sell Koi

| Updated September 26, 2017

How to Sell Koi. Koi are the brightly colored, domesticated variety of the common carp. Their florid designs and subtle coloration have made the fish ornamental prizes in Japan, China and, increasingly, around the world. If you want to join in the thriving koi market follow these steps to sell koi.

Set your goals. The koi market is as highly articulated and segmented as some parts of the gem market. Common koi are relatively easy to breed and can sell for reasonable prices. The highly prized ornamental fish, however, require years of experience, breeding and care to cultivate. You should determine your goals (and start modestly) in order to successfully sell koi.

Find your supply. Most koi sellers breed their own fish. Breeding can potentially widen your profit margin but takes lots of investment, time and skill. If you want to sell koi from a different breeder then you need to find an untapped buying market or find a way to package the fish so that fairly regular koi can sell at higher prices.

Package the koi creatively. Many koi sellers find that selling koi as part of a pond and garden packages allows them to fetch higher prices than selling just the fish. Creative and attractive pond and garden packages that center around the koi allow you to earn money for your ideas and labor, and not just for the koi.

Get your shipping method down pat. No koi buyer is interested in receiving dead koi in the mail. Shipping koi is tricky, but it is certainly doable. There are many options, from carefully self-packaging the fish to using dedicated koi movers. In any case, make sure your koi shipping methods are reliable so you don't end up throwing your money (and your fish) away.