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Are Male Lovebirds More Vocal?

Though noted for the sweet dispositions and companionship that give lovebirds their name, they are also known to be loud, sometimes shrill or squawky creatures. Lovebirds vocalize for a variety of reasons, and though males are not usually more talkative than females, differences in focus during mating season may give the impression of increased male loudness.

Lovely Lovebird

A group of parrots originally from Africa, lovebirds boast colorful feathers. Some have predominantly orange or yellow coats with white accents, while others are green, lime-colored, gray or aqua. Many have faces or masks of a different color. Their curved beaks and bright black eyes give them a curious, friendly appearance. You can purchase lovebirds as new chicks or as already grown adults. Although they do not usually talk like some parrots, practicing from a young age can help them mimic certain patterns of speech.

Reasons for Vocalization

Both male and female lovebirds use vocalization for many reasons, though they neither sing nor, usually, learn human speech. Rather, they communicate through a range of sounds, including squeaks, chirps and peeps, which an experienced owner will soon associate with various needs. They tend to vocalize all day without a noticeable quiet period. Poorly trained or very attached lovebirds often protest loudly when their preferred human leaves the room, though you can train them to earn attention by lavishing it on them when they vocalize more quietly or perform tricks.

Mating Vocalizations

Lovebirds are happier when part of a mated pair, and begin mating as early as 10 months of age, and are often able to continue through the age of 5. Their attitudes change during mating, with the female turning to domestic activities like nest building and the male focusing on protecting the family. During this time, the male lovebird may be the more vocal one as he sometimes aggressively defends his territory.

Lovebird Companionship

Although they are sweet and loving birds, they require lots of companionship. If their only companion is you, lovebirds tend to be highly possessive and sassy. If, however, you give them a companion of their own -- which could mean another lovebird or even a bird of a different species -- they will often bond to that bird and require less time from you, though they also may be a little less affectionate. Taking care of their social needs, however, can help to reduce the amount of noise they make.