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How to Measure for Standing Wraps

i BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images

There's lots of reasons for using standing wraps, also known as stable bandages, on your horse's legs. They can protect your horse's legs in the trailer while shipping or during riding and training. Standing wraps, paired with quilt padding, come in handy for poulticing or hot and cold therapy on your horse's legs. Most modern standing wraps include velcro fasteners, rather than the old-fashioned ties or the need for a safety pin.

Measuring for Wraps

To determine the correct size leg wrap for your horse, take a tape measure and measure from right under the front of his knee to right under his fetlock. While his back legs should be longer than his front legs, measure them to make sure. Standing bandages are sold in even sizes. If your horse has an odd measurement, go up 1 inch for the even size rather than down 1 inch. It's better for the wrap to be a bit long than too short. For use during transport, purchase wraps about 2 inches longer than necessary so your horse's pasterns are protected.

Warnings and Considerations

While the size of the wrap is important, it's crucial that you know how to put wraps on correctly. A badly applied bandage can cause serious harm, including a bandage bow. That's a term for a bowed tendon resulting from a too tight wrap. "Horse Journal" recommends practicing bandaging your own lower leg so you can tell if your bandaging is even and that you have the correct pressure.