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Signs of a Sick Sun Conure

| Updated September 26, 2017

The Aratinga Solstitialis, otherwise known as the sun conure or the sun parakeet is a small bird that has bright yellow, orange, green and blue in its feathers. This bird is a member of the parrot family and is very vocal and noisy. The sun conure has become well known among bird owners due to the bird's playful, curious and outgoing nature. Bird owners who learn to see signs of illness in the sun conure can help to keep their birds healthy by treating potential illnesses right away.

Feathers Plucking and Loss of Feathers

If a sun conure's feathers are falling off or if it is plucking feathers, the bird could be sick. The feathers will be affected if the bird is not getting the right nutrition or is ill. The sun conure will also pluck its feathers if it is unhappy or under-stimulated.

Discharge from Eyes or Nostrils

The sun conure is showing signs of illness if it has discharge from either its nostrils or its eyes. The discharge usually appears yellow or green in color. Any discharge can be a sign that the bird has a sinus infection or a chest infection.

Change in Sun Conure Behavior

Sun conures who are normally active and loud and become quiet and withdrawn should cause alarm for their owners. The sun conure who suddenly changes its routine, refuses to eat or changes its vocal noises is trying to tell its owner that something is wrong. The owner should take the bird to a veterinarian for a checkup.

Change in Stool Consistency

Owners should always take a look at their birds' droppings and get familiar with the texture and the colors of the stool. If a sun conure suddenly has loose and watery stools or if it is straining to go to the bathroom, the bird could be very sick. The owner should take into account if he fed the bird anything unusual the previous day, if the bird's food has changed or if the bird could have gotten into something that the owner did not know about. Consult a veterinarian if the stool continues to be a different texture than it normally is.

Weight Change, Change in Eating Habits

When the owner notices that a sun conure suddenly loses or gains weight, changes eating habits or refuses to eat foods that it used to like then the owner should take notice. Birds who change weight could have worms, intestinal diseases or sudden issues with their food.