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What Is the Texture of a Dolphin's Skin?

i Paul Katz/Photodisc/Getty Images

Dolphins glide through the water with ease and elegance. Complementing their swimming ability, the dolphin's anatomy is in line with their daily task of maneuvering through ocean waters. A sleek body type and light to dark grey coloring help a dolphin to be right at home in the ocean. The dolphin's skin serves an important function by protecting it from the elements and serving to make swimming through water more efficient with its sleek surface.

Dolphin Skin Texture

A sleek, smooth, rubbery texture is how a dolphin's skin feels to the touch. Dolphins are completely hairless and lack sweat glands. The epidermis, which is the outermost layer of skin, is very thick -- it is actually 10 to 20 times thicker than other mammals'. The dolphin's epidermis is in a constant state of being sloughed off while new skin is formed. This process ensures that a dolphin's skin stays smooth and ideal for swimming through the ocean waters.