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Cage Size for a Cockatoo

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In bringing a pet bird into your home, a comfortable living environment is one of the most crucial factors to consider. Cockatoos as a group come in various sizes, but one thing is certain -- these lively parrots need a lot of space to move around freely.

Go Bigger

Bigger definitely isn't always superior, but when it comes to cockatoo cage size, it certainly is. In mulling over all of your different cage size options, try to pick the roomiest cage that your household can manage, as long as it fits all of your other criteria. Try to envision all the perches and toys your cockatoo needs, from wood toys for chewing to ladders, and make sure that any cage you choose can easily handle everything. If you have any specific questions regarding cockatoo cage and safety concerns, do not hesitate for a minute to speak with an avian veterinarian.

Smallish Cockatoos

If your pet cockatoo is on the small side, such as a little corella (Cacatua sanguinea), opt for a cage that has a width of 3 feet and a depth of 2 feet, at least. These comparably daintier birdies require cage heights that are somewhere between 5 and 6 feet tall, too.

Bigger Cockatoos

Bigger cockatoos naturally call for larger living spaces. Greater sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) can reach 20 inches long. If your cockatoo is part of this somewhat sizable category, seek out a cage that is at least 4 feet wide and 30 inches deep. Cage heights of roughly 6 feet also work well for bigger cockatoos.

Bar Spacing

Actual size isn't the only major factor in selecting the right cage for your precious pet. The distance between the cage's bars also is imperative. If there is too much space between each single bar of the cage, it becomes extremely risky for your cockatoo. If his head goes anywhere near the bars, which is practically inevitable, it is important that the space allotted doesn't permit him to push his head through. If he can get his head through the bars, the chances of danger, such as choking and other wounds, are high. Prevent this hazardous scenario from happening by making sure that the bars are always precisely 1 inch away from each other, whether your cockatoo is big or small.

Exercise Outside of the Cage

Pet birds require daily time outside their cages. Keep your cockatoo's body and mind in tip-top condition by letting him leave the cage for three to four hours daily, if at all possible. If that amount of time isn't realistic, aim for a minimum of 1 hour per day. Interactive activities between cockatoos and humans also can be highly effective -- think around 20 minutes daily of playing fetch using a small stuffed animal. Cockatoos love attention from the humans in their lives, so never scrimp on it. The addition of a play stand can also go a long way in keeping your pet happy and mobile.