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Can a Robo Hamster Live With a Different Kind?

i Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images

Roborovski hamsters are the smallest hamster breed, the littlest of the dwarfs. They measure around 2 inches in length. Due to their diminutive size and notable speed, they are best suited for observation rather than handling. Robos aren't good pets for kids or good first hamsters for even adults. Assuming you still have your first hammie in the home when you acquire a Robo, don't pair them.

About Robo Hamsters

Robo hamsters live up to 3.5 years with premium care. They're either agouti or white-faced. Robo hamsters can eat standard hamster food but should never get a large amount of fruits and vegetables. Place a 1/4- to 1/2-cubic-inch piece of fruit or vegetable in the hamster's cage, alternating between fruits and vegetables with each daily feeding. Unlike other breeds of hamsters, the Robo hamster doesn't eat a lot of meat. When kept as pets, they need a temperature between 64 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in a well-lit room away from windows and doors. Known for being speedy and tiny, Roborovskis can easily escape, and they are at risk of becoming injured when handled by children.

Robo Hamster Companionship

Robo hamsters are one of the few breeds that thrive when paired together. When housed together at an early age, the hamsters will play, sleep and even eat together. Because Robos are best-suited for observation, having two Robo hamsters housed together can make the Robos more entertaining.

Risks of Other Breeds

While Robo hamsters enjoy the companionship of other Robos, housing them with other species of hamsters can be dangerous. Because Robos are roughly half the size of dwarf hamsters and a quarter of the size of Syrian hamsters, the Robo could easily get hurt by other breeds. Another consideration is that Syrian hamsters are known for being solitary hamsters that will kill and eat other hamsters. At the very least, constant fights over territory between the different breeds are liable to cause injuries like scratches, bites and worse.

Housing Multiple Robos

You don't want to house more than three same-sex Robos in the same habitat. Never pair the opposite sex together or you will end up with baby hamsters. Housing too many together can lead to fights. In small groups of three or fewer, the hamsters will need a habitat measuring at least 12 inches by 20 inches. The more space you can provide for the animals, the better. Glass tanks are easy to clean, they prevent escape and they are typically less expensive than cages.