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Does Trumpet Vine Poison Cats?

| Updated September 26, 2017

Flowering vines can be beautiful, fragrant additions to your garden. They offer shade and color, but their long tendrils may be quite tempting to Kitty. If you think she'll lunch on your flowers, plant with her in mind. The trumpet vine is one of several safe choices for her.

Campsis Radicans: Trumpet Vine

Campsis radicans, more commonly known as trumpet vine or trumpet creeper, is a beautiful addition to most spaces. A great climber, it works well with arbors, trellises and fences. Its pretty flowers and nectar attract butterflies and hummingbirds, so you may want to put a bell on Kitty's collar to warn them away from her if you keep trumpet vine in your garden.

Safe for Kitty, Irritating for You

The ASPCA doesn't list this flower in its poisonous plant database, however, Penn Veterinary Medicine notes that it's unlikely that animals are affected by trumpet vine. In fact, you're more likely to experience discomfort from contact with it, as it can cause itchiness. It's temporary and typically wears off in a few moments.

More Kitty Safe Vines

Though trumpet vine is pretty and safe, it's also one of those plants that can overtake your garden. If you live in a warmer climate, confederate jasmine is easy to grow and provides beautiful flowers and a gorgeous fragrance. Madagascar jasmine, creeping gloxinia and roses are other climbers that won't harm Kitty. Be sure to stay away from wisteria, honeysuckle and clematis, as they are toxic to cats.

Eating the Wrong Vegetation

You can grow whatever you please if Kitty stays in the house. However, if she must go out, be aware of the signs indicating she noshed on the wrong plant. Even though you've taken precautions, she may have indulged in someone else's garden. Many plants irritate the digestive system, so it's common to see redness, itching or swelling in a cat's skin or mouth if she's eaten a toxic plant. Other signs include vomiting or diarrhea, difficulty breathing or swallowing, drooling, excessive drinking or urinating and an irregular heartbeat. If Kitty comes home displaying any of these signs, get her to the vet.