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Homemade Fly Spray for Horses Using Tea Tree Oil

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring spoon

  • 3 tbsp. tea tree oil

  • Measuring cup

  • 3 cups water

  • 32 oz. spray bottle

Tea tree oil is processed from the leaves of the narrowleaf paperbark tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), a member of the myrtle family and native to Australia. Laboratory studies have shown that tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties, according to the Mayo Clinic, although it suggests that further study is needed. Horse owners have many home remedies for keeping flies off their animals, and tea tree oil is an ingredient in one of them.

Combine the tea tree oil and the water.

Pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Spray the horse completely or around any wounds or bandages that are drawing flies.


  • Be careful not to get the tea tree oil solution in the horse's eyes.