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How to Grind Your Own Chicken Feed

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Hand-operated meat grinder

  • Whole corn or other dried grain

  • Storage container

  • Measuring cup

  • Grinder plunger

Grinding your own chicken feed at home is easy. Whole grains like corn are less expensive than the ground varieties and by grinding your own you can custom mix your chickens' feed. One option for grinding chicken feed is to use a food mill but food mills can be expensive. If you do not want to risk damage to your food mill, a cheaper alternative is to use a hand-operated meat grinder, which work great on corn and other grains and save you money.

Remove the forming blades from the hand powered meat grinder. The forming blades are round disks with small wholes in them. They are located on the end of the grinder where the meat comes out. Leave the cutting blade in the grinder.

Put your storage container under the end of the grinder to catch your ground feed.

Measure 2 cups of whole corn and pour it in the top of the grinder.

With one hand, use the plunger to push the corn down the grinder shaft while you use the other hand to turn the crank. The grinder will chop the corn and it will fall into the storage container.

Repeat this process until you have the desired amount of ground feed. The process is the same for millet, oats, wheat and other dried grains. Grind the grains one at a time and mix them together in the storage container.


  • Ground corn can be stored for months. Because it is prone to mold, store your corn in a well-ventilated dry place.

    For a finer grind run the corn or grain through the grinder a second time.

    During the grinding process if the grinder becomes clogged, try reversing the crank handle and then spray it out with compressed air.

    Chickens like variety so grinding and mixing several grains together for chicken feed will give them a balanced diet and keep them happy.


  • Do not attempt this with an electric meat grinder. Electric meat grinder’s clog easily with grain and the motor will burn up.

    Never push the grain down the neck of the grinder with your hand. The blades are sharp and if you get your finger caught, it will cause severe injury.