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How to Treat Feline Constipation With Castor Oil

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Food dish

  • Can of wet cat food

  • Fork

  • Large bowl of water

Affecting cats of any age or size, feline constipation is an uncomfortable condition that should be diagnosed by a veterinarian. If your cat has been spending excessive time in the litter box, is having accidents outside the litter box or you notice a decrease in the number of stools passed, you should bring the cat in for an examination as soon as possible. After ensuring that the constipation is caused by dehydration, a hairball or other such factors, the vet may prescribe castor oil, a common stimulant laxative, to treat your cat’s constipation.

Measure out a dose of castor oil, as prescribed by your cat’s veterinarian. Place it into the food dish.

Open the can of wet food. Add approximately half the can of wet food into the food dish.

Mix the wet food and castor oil well using the fork.

Serve to your cat alongside a large bowl of clean water for her to drink.

Ensure that the cat eats the whole dish of food mixed with castor oil.


  • Make sure your cat has immediate access to a clean, full litter box after dosing. Encourage your cat to drink extra water. Stimulant laxatives work by irritating the nerves in the colon and intestines and increase the amount of water excreted with a bowel movement.


  • Castor oil should be used with caution in geriatric cats, cats with kidney disease and some specific breeds such as Manx cats.