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What Kind of Minerals Should I Give My Miniature Donkey?

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Whatever pet you own, one of your primary tasks is to make sure that the creature's nutritional needs are always 100 percent satisfied. Some pets are easy to feed -- a daily dose or two of ration does it for dogs and cats and others, for instance. But if you If you are lucky enough to own a decidedly more unconventional animal such as a miniature donkey, it’s vital that he always has suitable mineral supplementation within reach, no exceptions.

Not Enough Minerals

One goal in owning a miniature donkey is to make sure he never experiences shortages in certain vital minerals. Prevent deficiencies from happening by making sure your miniature donkey always has minerals in his surroundings, whether in loose or block form. If you opt for the loose mineral route, put the supplements inside containers that enable your donkey to take them in whenever he feels so inclined. Salt in block form is also imperative for strong miniature donkey health and well-being.

Specific Minerals for Miniature Donkeys

Before determining which exact minerals your miniature donkey needs to thrive, consult a veterinarian who specializes in equines. Selenium is one mineral commonly part of miniature donkey supplementation. The mineral promotes overall development, strength of muscles and breeding matters, just to begin. Other minerals commonly given to miniature donkeys include calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and magnesium. These minerals encourage health in miniature donkeys in an array of ways. Zinc helps keep hair in optimal condition. Phosphorus aids bones. Vitamin A is beneficial for eyesight. Your veterinarian can help you decide which minerals are necessary for your animal. Your exact geographic location might affect what minerals your animal needs, so take note. A vet can usually point you in the direction of specific suitable products.

Solely for Equines

Refrain from offering your miniature donkey any kind of mineral supplementation formulated for other animals. Make sure the supplementation caters to equines, period. Mineral blocks made for cattle, poultry and pigs, for instance, can be poisonous to donkeys, which is why it’s vital to make sure they never get their mouths on them. Supplementation produced for cattle often consists of urea, which is hazardous to miniature donkeys.

Other Miniature Donkey Must-Haves

Correctly looking after a miniature donkey involves a lot more than providing minerals. A miniature donkey requines suitable pasture for grazing. Hay is another common element of a miniature donkey diet, including both alfalfa and timothy varieties. Just as with minerals, constant clean and cool water in quick reach is extremely important. When figuring out your miniature donkey’s diet, recruit the trusty assistance of your veterinarian. Do not make decisions about feeding your pet without the firm approval of a professional.