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Saddle Horn Wrap Instructions

i Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Ropers use their saddle horns to secure the ropes used in team roping and calf roping. Since most saddle horns are thin and allow the rope to slip or turn, materials like rubber or mule hide help build up the horn and make it more secure for dallying, or tying off. The material generally comes in widths between 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 inches, making it easy to handle.


Step 1

Set your saddle on a stand or rack that you have easy access to. For instance, a rack that is hip-high works well, whereas one that is shoulder-high will not allow you to get a firm grip.

Step 2

Stand in front of the saddle facing the horn. Hold each end of the rubber, or material, with both hands.

Step 3

Place the middle of the material over the backside of the saddle horn. Keep the ends taut while pulling them toward you. Make sure the part covering the back of the horn is smooth and wrinkle-free.

Step 4

Twist the material once and slip it over the top of the saddle horn. Keep it tight and step around the saddle, facing the backside of the horn.

Step 5

Pull the material tight and twist it once again. Then slip it back over the horn. Repeat the steps until your dally reaches your desired thickness.

Mule Hide

Step 1

Soak the mule hide in water for approximately an hour before wrapping the saddle horn. Remove the excess water with a dry towel.

Step 2

Set your saddle on a rack or stand that is level with your hips. This makes it easy to reach and step over.

Step 3

Cut a 6-inch slit in one end of the mule hide. This allows it to slide over the saddle horn. Leave about an inch of material between the end of the slit and the end of the hide. Cut the other end at a 45-degree angle.

Step 4

Stand over the seat of the saddle and slip the cut end over the saddle horn. Pull the hide tight and slide the angled end through the gullet under the horn.

Step 5

Pull the end out and slide it to the right for right-handed ropers or to the left for left-handed ropers. Pull the strap toward you and wrap it around the horn tightly until it reaches the thickness you desire.

Step 6

Push the angled end back under the slit and cut off the excess.