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Size of a Crocodile's Teeth

i Fox Photos/Valueline/Getty Images

Crocodiles are among the largest predators in the world; in exceptional cases, they may exceed 22 feet in length and 2,200 pounds. Crocodiles are ambush predators who use camouflage and patience to prey on animals as diverse as fish, mammals and birds. Crocodiles use their incredibly long teeth and strong jaws to clamp down on prey, ensuring it cannot escape.

Dangerous Dention

Unlike animals with teeth that are essentially identical, crocodiles have heterodont dention, featuring discernible molars, incisors and canine teeth. Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus), the largest living species, have enormous canine teeth, exceeding 4 inches in very large specimens. Hatchling crocodiles have sharp, little teeth, no more than a quarter-inch in length, which help them to grip slippery frogs, fish and worms. Crocodiles replace their teeth continuously, as they lose many in battles with prey and conspecifics.