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Tamiflu Treatment for a Puppy With Parvo

| Updated September 26, 2017

Parvo is a viral disease that mostly affects puppies. It attacks and kills the healthy cells of the intestinal wall, causing diarrhea, the suppression of white blood cells and vomiting. The usual treatments for parvo are subcutaneous-fluids, IV and antibiotics; however, in recent years, treatments using the human antiviral Tamiflu have been effective for a puppy with parvo.


Tamiflu is a human antiviral medication used in the treatment of parvovirus in dogs. It is an active neuraminidase inhibitor that hinders the release of viral particles from cells that are infected by bacteria. Oseltamivir phosphate, the active ingredient in Tamiflu, attacks parvo and prevents it from spreading.


Puppies with chronic parvo symptoms might not react to Tamiflu treatments. The medication is only effective when administered during the early phases of the disease. Accordingly, the earlier a vet begins treatment for your dog, the better the prognosis. The effects of Tamiflu on puppies with parvo have not been formally researched, so a definite measure of effectiveness is not yet available. There are only anecdotes from puppy shelters and vets that have effectively used the treatment.


Tamiflu is available as an oral suspension in powder and capsule form. Your veterinarian must prescribe it and recommend the proper dose for your dog. You will administer the medication to your dog orally two times a day, for five days.

Side Effects

No side effects are reported in regard to tTmiflu treatments for dogs; however, there are human side effects--such as difficulty breathing, skin rash, vomiting, coughing and difficulty sleeping. If you are giving your puppy tamiflu and you notice any of the side effects listed above, you should consult with your veterinarian.


Administer Tamiflu with food if you notice your puppy has an upset stomach from the medication. Also, Tamiflu only lasts for 10 days, so discard any leftover product after that time.